Source code for festivalgrid.device_templates.tasmota

import json
import urllib
import urllib.error
import urllib.request

from django.conf import settings

from .mqtt_device import MQTTDevice

[docs]class Tasmota(MQTTDevice): sensor_keys = ['Power', 'ApparentPower', 'ReactivePower', 'Factor', 'Voltage', 'Current'] state_keys = ['Uptime', 'Heap', 'POWER'] state_wifi_keys = ['AP', 'SSId', 'BSSId', 'Channel', 'RSSI', 'Signal', 'LinkCount', 'Downtime']
[docs] def set_cut_power(self, state): self.send_mqtt_message('cmnd/POWER', 'OFF' if state is True else 'ON')
[docs] def digest_message(self, topic, payload): try: payload = json.loads(payload.decode("utf-8")) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return measurement = if topic.endswith('SENSOR'): return { "measurement": measurement, "fields": {your_key: payload["ENERGY"][your_key] for your_key in self.sensor_keys} # "time": dateutil.parser.parse(payload["Time"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), # "tags": {}, } elif topic.endswith('STATE'): state_fields = {your_key: payload[your_key] for your_key in self.state_keys} wifi_fields = {your_key: payload["Wifi"][your_key] for your_key in self.state_wifi_keys} return { "measurement": measurement, "fields": {**state_fields, **wifi_fields} } elif topic.endswith('RESULT'): return { "measurement": measurement, "fields": {"on": payload['POWER'] == "ON"} }
[docs] @staticmethod def provision(ip, stdout): url = 'http://' + str(ip) + '/cm?cmnd=status%200' with urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=10) as request: status = json.loads( tid = int(status["StatusNET"]["Mac"].replace(":", "")[-3:], 16) commands = [ 'WifiConfig 5', 'TelePeriod 10', 'Hostname tasmota-festivalgrid-%04d' % tid, 'MqttHost %s' % settings.MQTT_HOST, 'MqttPort %d' % settings.MQTT_PORT, 'Topic tasmota-festivalgrid-%04d' % tid, 'FullTopic festivalgrid/%topic%/%prefix%/', 'FriendlyName Tasmota FestivalGrid %04d' % tid ] backlog = "Backlog " + ('; '.join(commands)) try: url = 'http://%s/cm?%s' % (ip, urllib.parse.urlencode({'cmnd': backlog})) with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as request: pass except urllib.error.URLError: stdout.write("url error")